Monday, January 26, 2009

weeeeee areeeee the CHAMPIONS :D

so we won the softball tourney! :) despite me playing terribly and my old injury flaring up and having to sit out most of the last few games, (all the medics on the team have diagnosed me as having supraspinatus impingement, probably with rotator cuff strain and early osteoarthritis - ahhh, the perks of having eager medics as friends), WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS!

only now do i know what certain death means, we really came back from the dead!
each of our final 3 games was won in the bottom 5th innning (we play a modified version of 5 innings) when we were up to bat, and won each game by ONE measly run. that's really cutting it close!
but we won! and i've never been so elated in my life. my team spent a good few minutes just hugging each other and screaming our heads off, showering kisses all round. heh.

alright on to medicine stuff:
the new internship employment packets have been given out, and we've been asked to list our matches and selections for the upcoming intern year. problem is, they've changed the system completely from our seniors time, due to a new employer (some shuffling around, i'm clueless), so that means most of us a clutching wildly in the dark at our decisions, except for the very brilliant and brainy top few who are assured of getting what they want.

for me, it's a gamble. should i go with medicine, surgery and OB/GYN or should it be medicine, ortho, OB/GYN?
what if i don't get OB/GYN??? (besides throwing a fit and sinking into depression and crying all day, i mean) what would be a better choice? medicine, surgery, ortho?

coupled with all my friends choosing different things and all of us being on different areas of the results spectrum, (i believe i'm somewhere in the bottom half, sadly), it's a whole new confusing world.

clearly, i'm going to have to put in some hard thinking on this one. and i need to get myself a decent passport photo when i'm not half asleep or with hair that sticks out all over :\

ahhh, the perils of growing up! :(

it's the first day of lunar new year so HAPPY NEW YEAR (again) one and all! :)

1 comment:

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

well-well... hope you'd do very well! ~good luck!
Thanks for your kind words...keep in touch ;)