Thursday, January 15, 2009

blisters, warts and all

i have multiple blisters on my hands right now from softball trainings, as well as corns/callosities and warts (for which i blame the boys, i have not had warts since before this year, before this team!).

the whiner in me wants to shove my hands into the face of everyone whom i meet and gain some sympathy (pathetic of me). and the masochist in me somehow tells me to appreciate the blisters, warts and all, because i'll never get them again. not from softball anyway.

i know it's my final and last last last season, but something tells me i'll have a hard time giving it up.

come sunday night, it's time to hang up my boots, keep my glove and bat and helmet.

wish me luck for sunday's matches! :)

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